“Designculture has the same value to that of Neue Grafik, the most important magazine of its era. It represents a fundamental historic moment in the development of our profession and reveals the importance of the seminal work done by our generation to new designers,” Massimo Vignelli.
“Designculture expands understanding in the world of design,” Jan Conradi.
“Designculture is an important piece of design history and of immense value to young designers,” George Tscherny.
“Designculture is an invaluable resource for the design community, the creatives, and future generations,” Gianluca Cinquepalmi.
Designculture is offered to students, designers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts as a source to understand what is good design and what are its everlasting principles, what is the role of the designer and what are its reponsibilities.
The projects published by Designculture constitute a wide and eclectic overview whose authors share a similar design attitude voted towards functional simplicity and cultural richness, revealing the social importance beyond the aesthetic appearance of design.
Designculture doesn’t want to propose a style to follow. We are totally against trends, and we don’t care of novelty for its own sake. Rather, Designculture wants to spread quality in all its forms, promoting the work and the principles that produced the culture of good design.
We think that “design is one,” following the original concept that design is one discipline common to many different subjects: architecture, furniture, graphics, products, typography, and so on.
The interviews also emphasize the difference between design, styling, art, and illustration but we didn’t renounce to publish a few pages dedicated to people who worked on the edge of design, because their work constitutes an excellent example of intelligent creativity.
All the interviews and all the texts are produced by Nicola Munari, who also searches for data, images, links, documents, and quotations. A painstaking research allows the publication of many previously unseen images and some of the most complete biographies published on the web.
A special thanks goes to readers, friends, family, and collaborators who contribute with ideas, critics, and suggestions to improve the quality of the project.
Finally, an affectionate thought goes to Massimo Vignelli who first believed in Designculture, offering his interview for the opening of the website.
Enjoy your visit,
All rights reserved. The copyright for any material published on this website is reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as images and texts is not permitted without the author’s agreement.
All biographies and introductory texts are carefully compiled by Nicola-Matteo Munari, as the result of personal research. Most of the images are courtesy of the authors, and post-produced by Designculture.
If possible, we always report information about sources and property. We are on hand to correct any wrong information or add missing data.
To contact Designculture, please write at

Archivio Grafica Italiana is the first digital resource to the Italian graphic design heritage. Founded by Nicola Munari in 2015.

Design consultancy based in Piacenza, Italy. Founded by Nicola Munari in 2015, it operates in the whole field of design.